Member since 2023
Budget CHF 334'000
Innovative Financing and Agricultural Development in Burundi
The RAFIDESTM project explores innovative financing alternatives to strengthen the economic resilience of family farms in Burundi. By combining mutual stimulation and cooperative structuring, the project enables farmers to access tailored financing, improve productivity, and ensure food security.
Project description
Implemented with the Association for Peasant Dignity (ADIP), RAFIDESTIM operates in a challenging economic environment marked by inflation, fuel shortages, and restrictions on community savings and credit systems. The project addresses these challenges by strengthening family farms through sustainable investment funds, cooperative organization, and improved agricultural techniques.
Challenges & perspectives
The ban on community savings systems forced the project to accelerate the structuring of groups into cooperatives. Additionally, economic volatility and rural exodus pose significant challenges. The priority now is to ensure the sustainability of investment funds and structure farms for greater resilience.
Key figures
- 590 direct beneficiaries, including 60% women
- 14 newly created cooperative groups
- 71% of beneficiaries now meet their annual food needs
- 1.5x increase in income on average for beneficiaries
Philea’s Intervention
Project coordination & follow-up.
Usefull data
Budget : :
Geneva Federation of Cooperation : CHF 334’000
King Baudoin Foundation: CHF 150’000
Total : CHF 484’000
Project’s duration: 2023-2026
(2nd phase of the project).
Web site
- Improved food security
- Higher farmer incomes, thanks to alternative financing and crop diversification
- Greater women’s participation, with their incomes growing faster than men’s
- Promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, including organic fertilization and diversified cropping